Oil And Gas Career

The Allure of Oil Platform Jobs

oil-platform jobs
oil-platform jobs

Oil platforms, or oil rigs, are an entity upon themselves. A common oil production platform is a city within itself, a self-sufficient environment that provides all of its energy needs, containing generators for electrical consumption for housing, machine shops, water desalinators, food preparation and galleys, laundry services and waste removal. An oil platform's primary function is to process gas and oil and deliver it onshore via pipeline, to tankers or to a floating platform. The only assistance needed is commonly supplied by platform supply vessels which carry and transport provisions like food and components needed for operation. Oil platform jobs are unique in that they involve some risk, arduous labor and some unusual working schedules that might demand long stints of solitude and confinement. However, the benefits can outweigh the negatives if a person is looking for adventure and higher than average blue collar wages.

Oil Platform Locations

Major producing oil platforms are stationed wherever there are large oil reserves under the ocean floor. One of the largest, the Hibernia platform, is off the coast of Canada in the Jeanne D'Arc Basin in the Atlantic. Numerous other oil platforms are found in the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of Western Australia, near Newfoundland (Atlantic) and in the North and Bering Sea.

Basic Personality and Skill Requirements

Many opportunities are opening up for oil platform jobs because of the recent exploration and discovery of oil in the North Sea. Jobs are plentiful for skilled and un-skilled labor, offering a variety of positions that range from general labor and maintenance to sophisticated engineering tasks and skills. The vocation itself is not easy, requiring applicants who are physically fit and mentally determined. Employees must endure some of the worst weather conditions extant, particularly in the northern regions.

Persons who have prior experience in land-based oil production services, or experience on platform oil rigs, are especially needed. Those with mechanical skills in plumbing, construction, mechanical engineering, pump work, engine and generator maintenance will do well in this industry. Non-skilled positions would include kitchen and galley work, laundry services and general labor and maintenance.

Basic Pay Rates and Scheduling

Depending upon the company and slight pay variations, the jobs in the oil rig industry pay very good salaries. A common dishwasher can expect as much as $700 per week. New employees, or “roustabout” recruits can expect a minimum of around $3000 to $4000 a month and sometimes higher, according to their job description. Roustabouts can learn on the job with such skills as a driller, mud engineer, derrick hand, welder's assistant, tool-pusher, scaffolder, coxswain and crane operator. Wellhead pumpers and derrick operators can average between $40,000 to $63,000 per year. A petroleum engineer can pull in $127,000 per year. Management positions pay more than the physical labor jobs, although the responsibilities are greater. A person might be required to learn many skills and fill positions in times of personnel shortages or extra workload. 

Work shifts depend upon the operation of the rig and the company policies for scheduling. Typically, work on board a platform may last for 15 to 20 days, or sometimes a month with an equal amount of time off. Shifts can be long and grueling, up to 12 hours a day. The company is responsible for a worker's transportation to and from the rig as well as providing housing, food, domestic services and medical attention.


Along with the adventurous spirit it takes to join an oil platform crew, the wages are exemplary, with better than average job security. Nearly all oil rig jobs come with a dental and medical insurance plan. The time off, or “holiday time” allows a family man or woman to spend premium time with family members, including the option of taking frequent vacations that can last for a few weeks or more. It's a tough, but rewarding job which offers a voluminous amount of training and expertise in a variety of skills in both technical and non-technical areas.